About This Digital Tea Garden

I dreamt up this page in March 2022 as I was leafing through some notes, and stumbled upon a very thorough tea log that I kept in my personal journals from 2019 and 2020. I have decided to transcribe much of the information here, and will continue to add to it, so don’t hesitate to come back to this page!

In 2021 and 2022, this tea journal was a Hugo site.

In 2023, having always wanted to muck about with digital gardens, I switched formats and went from a blog format to a more wiki-ish format. I had information on 140+ different teas in little Hugo-friendly markdown files, I’ll eventually get around to having them all up here. Eventually.

What is a digital garden? From Danielle Messler: "A digital garden is basically a combination of an online notebook and a personal wikipedia. It’s your personal collection of ideas."

This digital garden was created with Jekyll. Hurrah for static-site generators! There are no scripts collecting the information of visitors here, since this wiki is here primarily to help me along my personal tea journey.