A bad case of lingering October grumpy-grumps

A few photos and a quick overview so that October doesn't flee without leaving a trace.

A bad case of lingering October grumpy-grumps
September 6, 2024: Pippin is licking his nose after plunging his snout in the cold lake water. He's exploring a beach shore and loving it.

September vanished in the blink of an eye and October is at risk of doing exactly the same. As midterm season ramps up (as my ballet friends say, we're halfway through Nutcracker prep!), I wanted to sit down and actually make a trace of the passage of time here on the bloggy blog.

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In the last weeknote, back in September, I wrote that I am currently enrolled in 6 classes. This unreasonable class load would be a lot more reasonable if I wasn't dealing with a few serious health hiccups that are really cramping my style. End of September, I had a catastrophic reaction to a medication that really knocked me off course — I even had to skip this year's Ballet Hop! retreat, which was horrible because it is not an exaggeration to say that I had been looking forward to it for the better part of a year. But as one of the big side effects of that medication fuck-up was muscle weakness...


On top of that, my tibia hairline fracture (which is the reason I had to cancel my half-marathon) is just... not... getting... better. I'm seeing my physiotherapist this week, and I'm hoping she'll have noticed some improvement I'm not seeing. I hate feeling and being this weak. Cherry on top: the tibia+meds catastrophe super combo has made it so I still am not able to walk Pippin on a regular basis. 🙃

Every time I trip on stairs at the university or in the métro (my spatial awareness got messed up and is only slowly returning), I keep thinking of these photos of Pippin and I on the mountain back in July.

I keep wondering if I'll be able to recover and run again. I have moments where I wonder if the 18th of July was the last time I'll ever run with Pippin. I try not to let that feeling take over. My partner Leif keeps reminding me that I've come back from much worse injuries and illnesses, mostly, though I can't help but keep wondering if my luck's finally run out.

Il y a des endroits de notre pauvre cœur qui n'existent pas encore et où la douleur entre afin qu'ils soient. — Bloy

As Bloy writes, there are places in our poor heart that don't exist yet; where pain enters, they come into being.

OH WELL. I still have two more midterms and way too many assignments and readings to wallow. So, enough feeling sorry for myself! We gots readings to do! Catch you around soon, and until then, feast your eyes on the following sumptuous autumny photos:

Another project that I've had to put on the back-burner: hunting with Pippin! I can't wait to get back to hunting training with him.
A sticker in one of the UQÀM elevators. "Greenwashing makes me puke" from rageclimatique.org.
A selfie in that gorgeous autumn light. I'm wearing my iconic Goatbunny hoodie: "All Thoughts Headachy."
Bombastic side-eye from an absolutely amazing snowy owl!
Pippin LOVES coming to cafés or restaurants with us. Always hoping for extra treats...

Currently reading

I'm about to finish reading Move the Body, Heal the Mind by Jennifer Heisz, the director of the NeuroFit laboratory at McMaster. It's been very interesting to read, especially alongside several of my classes.

New sprouts over at Nemetona Electronica

A handful of tweets

You scrolled to the end!!!! Thank you!!! Here is my favourite photo of Pippin from this October. He was napping, but then he saw a pheasant out the window, so then he was stuck in a half-point for a surprisingly long time! Probably because he was very comfortable 🤣
That Bloy citation was snuck out of Ormesson's Et toi mon cœur pourquoi bats-tu?.