Frequently Asked Questions
"Gersande" as a name is hard to pronounce. Can I use a nickname for you instead?
You can learn how to use my name! :D I have translated my name into the international phonetic alphabet just for you: ʒɛʁsãdə. En français, ça se prononce comme ça se voit. If the phonetic alphabet is not super helpful, my name breaks down more or less like this in North American english:
- ger is pronounced like the beginning of jerry
- san is pronounced like the word saw + an almost silent n sound
- de is pronounced like a super short and understated duh
I want you to build me a website for free.
Will Gersande run on my operating system?
Gersande will run all over it.
Who made your animated pixel logo of you smoking a pipe?
Many thanks to Anh Chi Bui for making this sprite of me for her game "Here Kitty Kitty" in winter/spring 2014.
Who created the illustration you use on the front page of your blog?
This extraordinary illustration is the work of Ottawa-based artist and illustrator Krista Schmidt.

Last edited: 2020/02/26.