
Small collection of old amusing or interesting projects.


4 March 2019
Presenter and panelist at the Québec première of the documentary film Netizens on Cyberviolence, hosted by Cinema Politica Concordia
11 October 2017
Speaker at Ctrl-alt-GFV held by the Groupe Féministe Vidéoludique at Université de Montréal
February 2016
Participant to the Take Care Jam on Preventing Cyberviolence held at the Atwater Library in Montréal, financed by Status of Woman Canada
13 February 2015
Speaker at the The Building Blocks of Life: A Minecraft Colloquium at Concordia University
29 September to 3 October 2013
Participant to the WGSI Learning 2030 conference held at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario

Selection of Old Projects

When I was vlogging, I used Bearnard to focus my lens for filming.

The Bookish Vlog

This project ran between March and September 2021 and consisted of me recording vlogs on my reading every month or so.

Game Curious poster header for an event series that ran in 2018.

Curieu∙x∙se de Jeux / Game Curious Montréal

In 2018 I was a member of the Game Curious collective, a QPIRG Concordia working group, that created inclusive events and discussion groups for gamers and non-gamers interested in how games can difficult complex themes related to social justice.

  • 21 January 2018: featuring games on immigration and borders
  • 28 January 2018: featuring games on environmental justice and decolonization
  • 4 February 2018: featuring games about police and prison abolition
  • 11 February 2018: featuring games that discuss feminism and consent
  • 14 February 2018: featuring games that discuss labour issues and workers' struggles

A complete list of the games displayed during Game Curious MTL 2018 is available here.

> In episode 3, GersandeLF (Gersande La Flèche) takes us inside Witch Mountain for a discussion of wilderness, curation, and carpentry as philosophical work.

Textile meets electronics!

Eat Long and Prosper

A custom-controller game combining programming and textile arts created between the 28th of February 2015 and the 1st of March 2015 during the Pre-Critical Hit Game Jam in 2015. Teammates: Jessica Blanchet, Milin Li, Marysa Antonakakis, and myself.

Flickering the Gaslight: Tactics of Organized Online Harassment

> The Internet has been successful at highlighting the inequitable, paradoxical, confusing nature of human society.

Published in Model View Culture on the 15 of March 2015

Pixelles Incubator II: Sky

Throughout winter 2014, I created my very first digital game, a little pixellated RPG inspired by the Game Boy games of my childhood, thanks to the Pixelles Game Incubator.

Read the post on the Pixelles' blog

Minecraft Weeknotes over on the & Lab blog

On The Agenda with Steve Paikin

In October 2013, I was on a panel for TVO to talk about my experiences teaching young children how to code.

Watch the recording on YouTube here.

This page originally lived at and was moved over in December 2023.