Of the 1 498 snapshots (😅) I took with my Nikon, here’s a few of my favourites. Recurring subjects includes sunsets, waves, sunsets, beaches, sunsets… and a fair few seagulls! By the way, I recommend looking at this post from a larger screen than a smartphone, since most of my photos are in landscape orientation, because, well, landscapes!
10 July 2023, Southampton, Ontario. A spotted seagull takes flight over the waves of Lake Huron, the details of the wings highlighted by the sun. On the horizon, there is the silhouette of a small island and a lighthouse.10 July 2023, Southampton, Ontario. A white and grey seagull walks on the soft and wet sand of the beach, looking rather regal. I like this picture because you can see details of the seagull’s face that you don’t usually get to see.10 July 2023, Lake Huron. The setting sun behind the lake has a wonderful effect on the waves and dark rocks of the shore. The smog-filled sky from faraway Québec wildfires also adds a particular odd softness to the light.11 July 2023, on the shores of Lake Huron. Bright purple foxglove blooms in the beach grasses. Foxglove often loves growing on the shore, and is also one of the most interesting poisonous flowers and has many modern medicinal applications, including in the pharmaceutical creation of heart medicines. Unfortunately, this is considered an invasive species in many areas of North America.11 July 2023, rocks on the shores of Lake Huron. In the afternoon sun, the sunlight ricocheting off the turbulent waves and the black stones gives the water a silvery, sparkly look.11 July 2023, the shores of Lake Huron, with Southampton and Chantry Island against the horizon. The water is very troubled, and looks green and muddy because of the rain and the unceasing waves caused by high winds.11 July 2023, Lake Huron. The sunset behind the lake is again a very bright red, but the atmosphere is a lot more clear as the wildfire smoke in the high atmosphere has finally been blown away.11 July 2023, Lake Huron. Details of the crest of the waves. The light from the setting sun is crystalline, and gives a dark, red-wine look to water, bringing to mind the ancient Homeric epithet of a “wine-dark sea” (οἶνοψ πόντος).11 July 2023, Lake Huron. After the sunset, there is still enough light in the sky to create a stunning, two-layered photo, in the top layer, the cloud-streaked orange-red sky, and in the bottom layer, the dark, turbulent lake.12 July 2023, on the shores of Lake Huron. A grey and white seagull is taking a very nice nap on a sun-baked rock, and there are rolling waves crashing into rocks in the background.12 July 2023, the white lighthouse and the old lighthouse keeper’s house on Chantry Island. The island is no longer inhabited, but the lighthouse is still in use. The island has been turned into a bird sanctuary for cormorans.12 July 2023, on the beach near Southampton. A seagull rests on a sign, there you can read “Butt free” (as in, cigarette butts).13 July 2023, on the rocky Lake Huron shore. A robin hangs out on some bleached driftwood, enjoying the sun and lake breeze.13 July 2023, a seagull in flight against an orange sky. The wings of the seagull look almost transparent, but most of it’s shape is just a dark silhouette. A very poor, compressed version of this photo can be found on my Instagram.
I was a bit surprised to realize that it had been well over a year since I’d last taken my Nikon anywhere, and I had really missed photography as a practice. I should make it a habit to go out and about in Montréal with my DSLR more. If ballet’s taught me anything, you don’t get better at an art-form without a lot of practice, after all.