Starting my kinesiology programme at UQÀM

I'm so glad all my university courses this fall are very interesting! (Plus a few early September snapshots!)

Starting my kinesiology programme at UQÀM

This weeknote is going to be short and sweet!

My first week in the kinésiologie programme went super well! Well, but also very busy. I have so much work already. I'm taking six (yes, you read that right 😵‍💫) courses:

  • nervous system anatomy;
  • applied anatomy of human movement;
  • exercise physiology;
  • interventions in kinesiology;
  • developmental psychology;
  • plus a course to get me ready for my first winter internship!

I've already spent the better part of my first week going over old course notes on mechanics (math + physics) and basic cellular biology in preparation for all this new material. I do think, though, that all my classes are going to be really interesting. Natural curiosity (affectionately termed « hyperfixations » in some corners of the internet) is always a big help in these situations.

And, as I just mentioned that my first internship is coming fast this January, if you have any ideas of where I could do a very first stage in clinical kinesiology this winter, please do write me asap!

Before we get to the photos I took with my phone during a rather blue-skied first week of September out and about in Montréal, I do want to mention that I know I owe everyone an update about what happened with my leg injury and my half-marathon project. I'm getting to it, I promise! It's just been a rather eventful last few weeks.

A pedestrian Saint-Denis, looking south towards avenue Maisonneuve.
Decorating my kiné clipboard with lots of sarcastic and earnest Goatbunny stickers.
Place des Fleurs de Macadam looking particularly pretty in the morning light.
Pippin would MUCH rather I give him chin scritches than bother concentrating on my reading...
Looking towards the Mont Royal from the top of the biological sciences pavillon at UQÀM.
Selfie on the first day of classes. (We'll compare with how tired I'll look in December...)
