Writing Corner
Beep Boop
The Writing Corner is a private space online on Discord where a small group of my blog Patrons and I can share our struggles, questions, challenges, and especially victories when it comes to our writing and creative projects. Between two to three evenings a month, I'll open up The Writing Corner for us all to discuss writing, brainstorm writerly problems together, and plow through some of that writer's block!
While my aim is to offer myself as a resource on writing, imagination, creativity and craft during my Writing Corner "Office Hours," I do want to emphasize that different sorts of artists, creatively-minded, and avid readers are welcome in this space, whether or not you consider yourself a writer!
While so much of writing is an often-relentless solo journey, there is no reason to go it alone without any backup. As long-time readers, subscribers, and patrons in the past, you've had my back. I hope I can return the love!
There are open spots for the Writing Corner. If you'd like to join us, click here to fill out the form!

Frequently Asked Questions
Why Discord instead of Zoom?
The reason I ended up going with Discord is twofold:
- it allows for slightly asynchronous text chat, which many introverts prefer over video calls since it doesn’t require worrying about ambient noise, getting your face or “home office” Zoom-ready, and
- because it’s fairly trivial for me to make the channels view-only so that throughout the week, even when the Corner is closed, you can still view the Discord server to consult the ressources shared and reread the conversations had. (Also, in case someone really prefers a voice or video chat, Discord does have that!)
Why only a few evenings a month?
- I sadly do not have the time to actively monitor a 24/7 Discord server, which is why outside of the Writing Corner evenings, the #writing-corner channel where the event takes place is in read-only mode.
- This “Office Hours”-like use of Discord will allow me to make sure that I'm fully present and ready to actually help and discuss writing with you. It also gives people the Bat Signal to come to The Writing Corner at a particular time, and know that people will be there ready to talk about writing!
- However, there are channels, including a #writing-memes channel, a #the-library channel (for the sharing of poignant writing) and a #patrons-hangout channel which are open at all times for patrons to post and share in.
Where can I see the Writing Corner schedule?
- At the beginning of the month, I send out the Writing Corner Schedule through an email announcement to participants. In the past, I shared this schedule on the blog here: Writing Corner-related blog posts.
In which language (English or French) is the Discord going to run?
At the moment, the language of the Discord is English, as that is the language used for writing by the majority of participants. However, I greatly welcome participants writing in French, asking questions in French, and suggesting sources and ressources in French! If my Writing Corner ever collects a few more francophones, my hope is to eventually alternate Mondays so that the Writing Corner will happen in both English and French.
Does the Writing Corner have any other rules?
The Writing Corner currently has a short Code of Conduct that all participants have to agree to. You are welcome to read the Code in full here: https://gersande.com/pad/p/r.7a0c6f79e90716948a86eda9276c92e6