Below is a copy of the letter to the Kids Code Jeunesse board I sent earlier today.

To the Members of the Kids Code Jeunesse Board of Directors,
and Executive Director Kate Arthur

I am writing to announce that beginning on October 1st, 2014, I will be stepping back from Kids Code Jeunesse indefinitely. While my time with Kids Code Jeunesse has been a positive learning experience, it is time for me to focus my energy into completing my university degree.

I would like to thank the board, the employees, our partners, and especially all the volunteers, for pushing our mission forward and making this organization a success. I am very proud of what Kids Code Jeunesse has accomplished. I am confident for the future and believe that thanks to this organization, more and more children will be introduced to computer science in an accessible manner.

I wish Kids Code Jeunesse the very best,

Gersande La Flèche

There is little I could write that can describe how bittersweet it is to step down from something I helped build that will keep on trucking and making the world a better place.

Merci, merci, merci.

Important Announcement

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