Listening to Barack Obama on June 6 2017 at the Chambre de commerce de Montréal métropolitain

I sometimes tweet when interesting things happen. Today, I was given the opportunity to hear American President Barack Obama speak for the first time in Montréal. It was my first time hearing him speak in person. Enjoy the tweets archived here in chronological order. They are of course not an exhaustive account of the entire Obama speech and of all his answers, but rather give you an idea of what stood out to me the most.
And, after all the tweets, I included some notes of other thoughts that hit me on the train ride home.
I am at the Palais de Congres tweeting about Obama's Montréal talk organized by the Montreal Chambre of Commerce. #obamamtl #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Not a journalist but hopefully my Obama in Montréal tweets will be informative. Not sure if I will be threading or hashtagging every tweet.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Will also be tweeting in either French or English forgive typos my phone can't handle my bilingualism.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
So the reason we weren't allowed to bring water bottles into #obamaccmm wasn't security but they want us to buy drinks in tiny plastic cups.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
I know this is a bitchy tweet but it showcases were the CCMM is at when it comes to improving accessibility & environmental stewardship.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Ça commence! Il y a bien sûr une table d'honneur... maire de Montreal Coderre est présent... 🙄
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Cette introduction de la table d'honneur ça fait long 😭
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
The calls for "Hope" & "Yes We Can" have not aged well, I find. I wonder how Obama feels about them being referenced in every intro so far.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
This tweet above ended up being funny in retrospect. Every one of the introductory statements by members of the Chambre of commerce mentioned the slogan from his "HOPE" 2008 campaigns, and I perhaps did not realise right then how much of Obama's discourse still relies heavily on hope and the idea that change is possible, though in my own opinion it sounds like he has stopped asking people to believe in his ability to change the world, but for people to believe instead in their own capacity to change.
Sitting here surrounded by older people who have jobs and remembering the gap between my perspective and theirs
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Wow are people excited for this
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
"What I've always liked about Montréal is the high percentage of Michelles" —Obama's opening line looooool okay that's pretty cute
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
I didn't realize this but apparently this is Obama's first visit to Montréal and he just wished the city "bon anniversaire".
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
"It's been clear for some time that the world is at an inflection point." The serious Obama has arrived. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Speaking on terrorism, constant negative media and "fake news": La différence avec Trump est incroyable, contrasté de même. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
"The centre may not hold," Obama remarks with regards to the current media and internet discourse. "Politics may be disruptive." #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
He compares the climate, global political shift of today with the shift from agriculture to industrialization in the West. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
He is a really good speaker; holy, moving from history to politics effortlessly, and he has a calming effect. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
The current world order, he says, is a seventy year project that was designed to prevent war but is not free of hypocrisies. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
"In times of disruption we may go backwards instead of forward. Complacency is not the character of great nations." #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama subtly calls out those who think organizing nations along ethnic lines (ex white supremacy) as a response to present moment #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
"Capitalism and technology have been the greatest generators of wealth in the globe" Well maybe it was workers in 3rd world countries?
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
"We have to modernize social safety nets." "We have to do more to minimize the gap between rich and poor nations." #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama took great comfort that USA cities and states want to commit to a climate change plan and better environmental practices. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama mentions that ideals are what will change the landscape of fear or despondency into a landscape of hopes. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama emphasizes that if we feel immigration is disorderly then we need to reaffirm that immigration creates economic dynamism. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
He emphasizes too that the USA, his hometown Chicago and Montreal are places built by immigration, immigration is a tradition. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
He makes a joke now about further cultivating an independent political societal discourse furthering the Enlightenment #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama mentions how in the USA that money has a corrosive effect on democratic engagement and democracy itself. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
A lot of subtle equating of populism with authoritarianism, which is disappointing but also to be expected #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
"We don't have a monopoly on wisdom ... but I believe right and history is on our side." #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama ends his speech by firmly stating that Canada and the United States should face together whatever problems might arise. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
(Watch out though because if Trump sees this speech he'll come attack [economically] Canadian-USA trade partnerships again...)
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
...In the above tweet, I don't know what I was thinking with those [square brackets]... Please nevermind those...
The following tweets occurred during the Q&A session with Sophie Brochu who kicked off the questions with one regarding (forgive the paraphrase) market-based solutions to resolving poverty and the gap between the 1% and the 99%.
"A market based system [to diminish poverty] still makes sense but [... it] sometimes skews where profits are distributed." #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama says that greater investment in education and social structures have to happen to accommodate changes in economic landscape #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Health care and a secure pension system have to be in place to deal with dynamic economies. Interesting term, that one. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
As far as I can tell a dynamic economy is one where jobs are scarce and you have to work hard and longer to make a minimum of wealth.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Sophie asks Obama if he believes China will become the next environment leader of the World. Someone behind me just said "Wow." #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama is maybe sidestepping this question with a preamble about how he was "able to get Paris agreement done." #obamaccmm (?)
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama spending a lot of time on idea that "going green" is good for that bottom line. "Capitalism working well," he says. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Yep, he sidestepped the China question, and I think you can sorta tell from his face as he finished answering that question! #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
What I meant there in the above tweet is that you could sort of tell from the look on his face that he was aware that his answer was a non-answer, or an avoidance to answer. The question put him in a tight spot, I think.
The question is now about how to reassure oil and coal workers who will not be a part of new "green" energy industries. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
I also want to note re: the above tweet that the statement was really about fossil fuel workers feelings of being left behind, abandoned, impoverished, etc... Not that they "would/will not be part of new 'green' energy industries"—I feel like I typed that tweet rather poorly, my apologies. As Obama himself pointed out in his answer to this question, there's good reason to implement transitions and retraining and improve the social security and safety nets to catch people who find themselves out of a job when certain resource extraction livelihoods go bust.
This is a really topical question for Canada, a country I often joke is a failed oil state.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama returns to "economic anxiety" and the discourse of truth and fake news, and how easy it is to demagogue to coal workers. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
It's politically convenient to blame things like the Paris Agreement for petrol/tar sands/coal workers losing out, he says. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
It's easy to demonize "dirty" energy workers as being "bad", Obama remarks. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Next question: how are Canada/USA going to remain geopolitically relevant in a future where Africa and Asia are taking the lead? #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
A stable, steadily growing China/India is good for the world so long as China/India is ready to bear the responsibility for it. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Canada and the USA are, according to Obama, a set of ideals, that's what we (generous to include 🇨🇦) did to lead the world. #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama says that what young people in Asia, LatAmerica and Africa admire from USA is its entrepreneurship and innovation. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
The question turns to Europe, to France, and what Obama thinks about Macron (in contrast with Le Pen especially.)
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama takes a moment to mention "my old friend, Angela Merkel" hahaha oh wow that was a dig for sure #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Please forgive my inept tweeting in that above tweet—I meant that the above tweet is a dig towards Trump, who notoriously has a bad relationship with Merkel.
Obama takes a moment to speak on the Euro, a good idea in theory but lacking in execution (ex: Greece economy) #ObamaCCMM
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama says that biggest tension of Europe is conflict between the local and the macro/continental vision. But he is optimistic. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
Obama affirms that you won't see Michelle on the campaign trail. But he thinks women should be in leadership. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
I am not going to comment on the feminism/gender stuff because honestly I... don't want to even go there.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
All right folks. That concludes the live tweet. But I may tweet out observations or thoughts as everything marinates a bit.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
One thing that I feel was confirmed to me listening to him in person is that Obama is a huge communicator of ideals, ideology, and symbols.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
I mean, I guess you could argue "what politician is not that?" But Obama succeeds at making it seem innate, effortless somehow.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 6, 2017
One thing I found extremely difficult to digest was Obama's refusal to actually name capitalism as the great creator of poverty. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 7, 2017
I have an enormous respect for his eloquence and ability to deliver a speech but sometimes I was just so frustrated with the loops.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 7, 2017
State of discourse is such that no mainstream politician can even imply that capitalism has created humanitarian disasters. #obamaccmm
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 7, 2017
It becomes egregiously clear in his speaking about green capitalism and how he reframes the issue around green industry and job growth.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 7, 2017
When the facts are clear that capitalism (or... post capitalism to be technical) as a global system have ravaged the environment.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 7, 2017
He was consistent in framing the issue around the hurt feelings of petrol/tar/coal energy workers, prioritizing that over their & our lives.
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 7, 2017
He kept skirting around the idea that capitalism is hypocritical, inept, unequal, dangerous etc but kept up optimistic "better capitalism."
— Lance acérée🦉 (@gersandelf) June 7, 2017
A few parting notes, in no particular order:
Whenever he mentioned the word order, especially with regards to immigration, the superior values of the West in the post-WW2 world, and NATO, I kept thinking that order was being used as a euphemism for imperialism. This is especially obvious in a Canadian context where our colonizing motto is/was peace, order, and good government and is a holdover from our days current and past as a Commonwealth jurisdiction and nation of the British Empire. He was really quickly able to transition from talking about values to discourse about NATO (where the United States is the military power establishing "order") and it shows how transparent the discourse around "order" really is.
I circled this in a tweet but he kept using the words "market forces", "market-based system", "the power of markets", or "economic dynamism", when often I think what he really meant was capitalism. I don't know if he was consciously avoiding the use of the word. At one point he used the term "winner-takes-all capitalism" to emphasize that there is good capitalism and bad capitalism, and that these two things have enough meaningful differences between them for there to be a moral difference. I'm... not convinced.
I left the speech wondering why the palpable relief I was overhearing all around me (the folks sitting next to me were quite vocal all throughout the speech about how happy they were that Obama was so intelligent and wise) did not reach me. There were moments that glimmered for me in Obama's speech. But most of the time I was waiting for substance I did not hear. I felt like I was listening to a repeat of so much information I'd heard before. I kept hoping that Obama would truly go off-script, claim the carte blanche that apparently the CCMM offered him. Not because I want to hear his true thoughts on Trump (what a useless exercise that would be) but because Obama was part of the architecture of so much of the present-day world stage and so much of it seems poised on the edge of a knife—and unlike him, I have a bad feeling that the people who will fall off that edge will be those sacrificed to maintain the old normal for Western élite societies.
Thank you to all those who liked and shared my tweets and who read this post. My comment section is open as usual on this post and I'm also available on Twitter if you have questions or comments.