Weeknote: Three days in the middle of March
A quick update on midterm season, Rally O, and seeing CANTATA at the Grands Ballets Canadiens.

wednesday march 13
We've just crossed the winter midterm season at UQÀM. My back is protesting the seasonal cramming with a great gift: an overactive — and very painful — right sciatic nerve. If there are no big improvements by Friday, I'm going to have to go back to my physio to figure out how to stop this from becoming a chronic problem. (Why is it always my right leg?!?!) I've also agreed to take a week off from running, physical effort, and ballet, which is really discouraging me. A funny thing I have in common with Pippin: being forced to take a physical break from movement really makes me grumpy!
friday march 15
We returned from Rally O relatively late last night. Pippin was so excited to go to bed that he ran at top speed into his crate by our bed and immediately passed out. Rally O is turning out to be fantastic training for Pippin because one of his biggest challenges as a spaniel/pointer puppy is his impulse control. It's almost impossible to tire this dog out, unless he's being challenged on an intellectual level. It's also genuinely a pleasure to watch Leif working with Pippin during our classes: his timing is really starting to get sharp, and rally suits his calm patience. And: Pippin loves it. (I have some trouble staying on my feet for an hour that late in the day so I'm mostly taking videos and helping Leif when he asks, otherwise I stay put on the ground to avoid getting too dizzy.)

Further proof that Rally O is a great challenge for Pippin is the way he is currently sleeping at my feet, the next morning. Usually, at this hour, Pippin would never let me get away with writing at my desk for this long, and would be bringing me every one of his toys and chews to encourage me to play with him or take him out!
Unfortunately, there is no improvement with the sciatic nerve problem on my right side. Time to call the physio. Sigh.
saturday march 16
Even if I am forced this week to stay away from the studio, nothing will keep me from going to see a bit of dancing on stage!
Rewind to Friday night: Leif and I went to see CANTATA together at Théâtre Maisonneuve at Place des Arts. Of the four productions that night, three really stood out to me. The first, Podium (choreography by Étienne Delorme) was powerful, at one point the hundreds of little bourrées to the heavy bass had my own toes curling in sympathy at how tough it looked. The opening of NEBE (choregraphy by Jérémy Galdeano and Věra Kvarčáková) threw me back to being thirteen or fourteen years old and seeing the iconic opening scene of Cirque du Soleil's Varekai, when Icarus is falling to his death.
But if NEBE was engrossing,Cantata (choreography by Mauro Bigonzetti) was my favourite presentation. I loved the presence of the four singers and organetto player on stage. Vanesa Montoya's solo was hypnotic and breathtaking as usual. The concluding ensemble was so fun, as well, my foot was tapping the floor with the castagnettes for the last fifteen minutes, a big smile on my face.