Create A Compelling Story Setting

At the request of my patrons who suggested we tackle Setting in the Writing Corner, I prepared in-depth notes on world-building, including a section on troubleshooting setting, a vocabulary guide, & 5 writing exercises (including prompts) to practice writing about settings. Available as a PDF, too!

Create A Compelling Story Setting
A black cat crosses your path after dusk in an empty alleyway. Your adventure is about to begin!
“Places are never just places in a piece of writing. If they are, the author has failed. Setting is not inert. It is activated by point of view.”

— Carmen Maria Machado

At the request of a few patrons who suggested we tackle story settings for our March 28 Writing Corner, I prepared these in-depth notes on world-building and crafting setting, including a section on troubleshooting writers block when it comes to settings, a vocabulary guide, and five writing exercises (including prompts) to practise writing about places and settings.

I share the full document here with my patrons not only as a blog, but also as an exclusive and downloadable 14-page PDF at the end of this post.

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