Tip Jar
Throw a coin to your blogger 🎶
The best way to support my blogging is by reading, writing comments, and sharing articles.
- 🍵 You could buy me a virtual cup of tea through my Ko-Fi page
- 📖 You could support the Mille feuilles project on Liberapay
- 💌 . Join them by subscribing for free, or by becoming a blog patron for 1.5CAD a month or 16 CAD a year
My blog has been ad-free since 2014, which means I don't get any passive income from my articles. Hosting and related costs only increase with time, and are now in the realm of several hundred dollars a year depending on visits and other factors. If you've ever found my blog fun or instructive, I accept small donations to offset those costs with a great deal of gratitude!
Affiliate Links
Here are a few affiliate links which earn both myself and my readers small discounts or other goodies:
- Fathom Analytics ($10 credit for privacy-first website analytics)
- LMNT (receive a bonus sample pack with your first purchase)
- Tractive (30% discount on first order for a GPS for your cat, horse, or dog)
Climate Catastrophe
Websites have a carbon footprint, and this blog is no exception. As of February 2024, I paid for twenty trees to be planted in the boreal forest of Québec to help mitigate the ecological harm caused by this blog. I plan to do a similar act every year, going forward.

Pay It Forward
On top of supporting other artists and organizers, I also want to make sure that my work gives back to not only my own communities, but to the first communities who were here on the land I live on. Every December, I will calculate how much support I've received from my patrons throughout the year (including the one-time Ko-Fi donations) and donate 10% of that amount to mutual aid funds or grassroots organizations on the ground in Tiotiáh:ke/Montréal and across Québec who do essential community work.
Past recipients of donations made as a result of the support I receive online:
- Native Women's Shelter of Montréal (2021)
- Centre for Gender Advocacy (2022)
- Fondation Mira (2023)
Below are some recent patron-only posts. See all of them by clicking here.